Wednesday, December 19, 2007


How important are these?

Are we forgetting the main part of the horse body which is the rear part , the hinds and the main source of power?

How many of the horses that we see and ride are on hinds (walking on the hinds and using them as the main source of power) and walk on hinds ONLY ?

How many of the horses that we see and ride are using the hands for changing direction ONLY.

How many of the horses that we see and ride are walking in COLLECTION ?

What happens if half a part of the horse which is the main part and very important one is left behind in developing and training ?

How can we bring a horse on his/her hinds , how can we train a horse to walk on his/her hinds and to use them as the main source of power ?

What are the benefits (for riders and for the horse him/her self) of the horse using his/her hinds as the main source of power ?

How could the rider find out that the horse which he/she is riding for the first time is on hinds and why the rider has to find out this crucial matter ?

Are there any measurements for these to find out which horse is better in which part and which horse has to be improved on what part and what are the main parts and measurements that the trainer has to look for and make them improve?

Up to my knowledge these are very crucial and I hope we could open a dialog and make a good and positive debate on these issues.

If we want to train a horse up to a level of international and world competition we must know and improve these where ever they are weak and need to be improved.

If we want to train a horse for a international competition we have to know which horse is good for what purpose because horses are different with each other and each one is good for a particular job this important matter is our job to find out and train the horse for that particular reason , Example horse A is good for Polo but horse A is not good for Jumping or horse X is good for Dressage but horse X is not good for endurance.

Some people when you talk about COLLECTION they attack you as hard as they can why I don't really know but they say COLLECTION is for the Horse learning Dressage I am so against this how could you tell them otherwise the big problem is they keep and breed Horses that is the nightmare part of it.

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